And I would venture to say that it found YOU quite interesting also
That is no doubt because I bear a VERY high rate of interest and my fees and charges are minimal.
I can only suggest that you grab fistfuls of cash and thrust them down my throat immediately, in order to maximise the tax-free savings I can provide.
If only Hitler had enjoyed the sweet, nutritious taste of guava to the forbidden thrill of that damn holocaustin'.
Somebody send Bashar al-Assad a fruit basket while there's still time, for chrissakes.
I will not trade my dreams of utter domination for some fruit.
Can't access my comments from my user page (probably a good thing), but I can get my posts (some of which, I quite enjoyed seeing again. Good times, dude. Good times).
Also the new niche seems to have difficulty with some html (small tag wouldn't preview for me in a post I just made) and I am seeing some weird characters where I should be seeing just slightly unusual ones, like accented letters or the octothorpe in my comment above. This could be me though, I have a new computer which I don't actually know how to use (hello, Apple fanbase).
Also is there a search feature on the new thing, or what?
Finally, how the fuck is everyone? How are you, tracicraken?
I can log in and "like it," but I don't seem to have administrator rights. I assume this is merely an oversight on the part of the tracicraken or another of her sea-monster development team, who pollute the benthic realm with their monstrous, inky ullage and whose infernal screams make every honest sea-goer palpitate with horror. Vote ♯1 quidnunc kid for new sea monster.
Dongwise Proudcock Wango Nobbins Bulgo Bellend Dicko Scrotins Schlongo Sacscruff Dubblo Ontendrins
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "sad news."
That's awful news.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "The Internet Map"
And I would venture to say that it found YOU quite interesting also That is no doubt because I bear a VERY high rate of interest and my fees and charges are minimal. I can only suggest that you grab fistfuls of cash and thrust them down my throat immediately, in order to maximise the tax-free savings I can provide.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
Well I found that quite interesting.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "Monkeyfilter 2: Electric Boogaloo"
some coding will be needed Great, and slip in a few quidnunc admin rights when you do that coding, wouldya? Thanks.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "Even typographic designers have "guilty pleasures","
I love that Gilligan's Island font. I believe that the Professor made it out of coconut shells and a single strand of Ginger's hair.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "The Hereford Mappa Mundi"
Wasn't that a song by The Bangles? Heh heh! I beg you to re-write the whole lyric!
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "The creepy-groovy photography of Denise Grünstein."
I'm with blondie, here.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "The Hereford Mappa Mundi"
That link to is the juice, BlueHorse. I must go to see this fabulous world-cloth in situ sometime.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
I forget how to make posts properly how to make posts properly.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "Monkeyfilter 2: Electric Boogaloo"
If only Hitler had enjoyed the sweet, nutritious taste of guava to the forbidden thrill of that damn holocaustin'. Somebody send Bashar al-Assad a fruit basket while there's still time, for chrissakes.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
I will not trade my dreams of utter domination for some fruit. Can't access my comments from my user page (probably a good thing), but I can get my posts (some of which, I quite enjoyed seeing again. Good times, dude. Good times). Also the new niche seems to have difficulty with some html (small tag wouldn't preview for me in a post I just made) and I am seeing some weird characters where I should be seeing just slightly unusual ones, like accented letters or the octothorpe in my comment above. This could be me though, I have a new computer which I don't actually know how to use (hello, Apple fanbase). Also is there a search feature on the new thing, or what? Finally, how the fuck is everyone? How are you, tracicraken?
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
I can log in and "like it," but I don't seem to have administrator rights. I assume this is merely an oversight on the part of the tracicraken or another of her sea-monster development team, who pollute the benthic realm with their monstrous, inky ullage and whose infernal screams make every honest sea-goer palpitate with horror. Vote ♯1 quidnunc kid for new sea monster.
posted by the quidnunc kid 12 years ago
In "Curious, George: Old blog of superhero battle back-&-forth."
Someone give Quiddy the frog pills ... that you run this place with and the toad suppository for Chy. Thanks.
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
Hi mothy!
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
The Typo vanquished ↑↑
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
Remmebering when this website had a MEMBERSHIP vanquished ↑↑
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
"2" vanquished ↑↑
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
The B1nary 0ppos1t10n1st vanquished ↑↑
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
Mom-man vanquished ↑↑
posted by the quidnunc kid 13 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)